YXT.com (NASDAQ: YXT) is a technology company focusing on enterprise productivity solutions. With a mission to "Empower people and organization development through technology," The Company strives to become the supreme provider in building and boosting enterprise productivity by combining over a decade of experience in tech-enabled talent learning and development and with AI-augmented task copilots and unleashing the power of knowledge and synergy. Since its inception, YXT.com has supported and received recognition from numerous Global and China Fortune 500 companies.
YXT.com operates its business in China through "Jiangsu Radnova Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.," formerly known as "Jiangsu Yunxuetang Network Technology Co., Ltd.". YXT.com has established an entity in Singapore to serve as a headquarter for its overseas business to be conducted in the future, with the "Radnova" trademark to serve international markets.
YXT.com(Nasdaq: YXT)是一家注册在开曼并于纳斯达克上市的科技企业,公司致力于成为企业智能生产力建设的首选伙伴,秉承“科技助力人与组织共同进步”的使命,结合十余年的人力资源科技经验与AI技术,专注于企业组织和生产力的智能化转型,推动员工与数字智能体的高效协作,释放个人和组织的潜力。作为一家纳斯达克上市企业,YXT.com已服务众多世界500强及中国500强企业,赢得广泛认可。